The Emergency Repair Of Privately Owned Homes
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Does the program provide pest extermination?
A. No, this would be considered general maintenance.
Q. Does this program provide storm shelters?
A. No, The Department of Housing does not have a program that provides storm shelters or safe rooms.
Q. Do I have to purchase Insurance?
Yes- If repairs go over $5,000.00 you will be responsible to purchase insurance before we can do any more repairs.
Q. How Long will the process take?
Depending on what the issues are , Electrical, AC , Plumbing, Sewer, Hot Water Tanks and other small issues can go pretty quickly. If repairs run over $5,000 a contract will have to go out for bid and an environmental clearance will have to be done. This can take up to 90 days.
Q. Do you do rehabs or remodels?
No-Housing no longer offers that program.
Q. Do you serve other tribes?
Other tribal members may fill out an application but Creek citizens will have preference.
Q. How often do I need to update my application?
Applications will need to be updated annually until services are received.